Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Conics Project - Update #2: Role Assignment & Group Building Struggles

The Conics project introduced in my last post starts Monday! Today after school I worked on assigning the job roles to the students in my classes.  There are four job roles and each team will have one of each: Team Manager, Photo Journalist, Math Fact Interpreter, and Surgeon.  The role assignment process had a few snags I want to share with you. But first, here's the three main questions on the survey that are being used to assign jobs:

Some students never filled out the survey.  It was actually about one-third per class period. I had posted it as an assignment in Schoology, our districts online classroom platform, and verbally reminded them.  Some students who didn't fill it out were absent several days during the window it was available but even-so, next time I use this method, I will need to do better follow up with students.  For this year, I ended up doing job assignments for the students who completed the survey and then filling in the gaps with students who didn't complete the survey.

Some survey responses were either contradictory or too limited.
Contradictory: I had intended the "graphic design" and "journaling and documenting" to steer towards the same job role, photo journalist, but many students chose graphic design as their "most" and journaling as their "least." Most students in this situation. Were assigned a job role based on their "check all that apply" answers. As the project continues, maybe I'll find that job responsibilities need to be tweaked thus resolving this problem.  I also wonder whether the wording of "journaling and documenting" makes it sound like more work than it really will be in this project.
Too limited: One of the survey options was "I am good at using Google search." For several students, this was the only option chosen for both questions "Which best describes you" and "Check all that describe you". This is the obstacle I don't really know how to address.  I feel badly for the students who don't think they're good at or interested in any of the other options.  What are other qualities I could've included? Maybe add an "other" option so students can write in their personal strengths?

My last job role assignment struggle as to do with the actual group formation.  With only two weeks let this school year before final exams, how heterogeneous should the groups be? It's funny how differently group formation looks at the end of the year compared to the start!

Next post I will let you know how the kick-off goes!

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