Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Goals for 2017-2018: Instructional and Blogging Block

This is a post of two parts because I have a problem.

I have a problem posting to this blog because every time I start to write a post, I feel like it isn't good enough to click "publish".  As a result I have written five unpublished drafts that are just sitting there waiting for me to edit, add photos, edit and publish.  Do other bloggers have this problem?  I also feel like blogging effectively takes up too much time to really do it well during the school year. 

Anyway, enough with the introspection and on to better things...

What is your professional goal going to be in 2017-2018?  How do you choose a goal?  This will be my first year actively considering a goal and I want it to be something to do with using online collaborative resources such as #MTBoS and favorited blogs more consistently.

I want to participate in more forums and twitter discussions.

I want to blog more actively.

I want to put myself and my stuff out there more readily for better or worse because I believe sharing is the best way we can support each other and even if someone looks at my stuff and think it's no good, at least it got them thinking.

Part of kicking off this goal is the new "Page" addition to this blog: My Desmos.  This page will include links to Desmos activities and Polygraphs I've made and that I love.  I'll try to type descriptions too.

Thanks for reading!